Welcome to the Cedar Creek Girl's Basketball Photo page


You can select 1 of the 3 backgrounds below for your photos. You need to indicate which background you want in the instructions of the cart.  If no background is selected, Option 1 will be selected.


Click on the team below to select and purchase your photos.  

The photos are on a white background until purchased.  Then they will be put on the background shown below.

If ordering package A or Trading Cards, please provide the information for the back of the trading cards.  This can include age, height, and weight.

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How to order


       Hang_Time_4x5Hang_Time_4x5      FlamesFlames      2x3 Ratio Player Banner - Illumination - Basketball2x3 Ratio Player Banner - Illumination - Basketball

               OPTION 1                                      OPTION 2                                                  OPTION 3



Junior Varsity